Welcome to INRAE BORDEAUX remote sensing products

Due to an unexpected behavior, the FTP download site was unavailable for several weeks. The data can now be downloaded.
SMOS IC VOD data from 2010 is 2020 is now available without registration. To get access to the most recent and filtered L-VOD data set or for analysis question, please contact J-P Wigneron (jean-pierre.wigneron [at] inrae.fr) and Xiaojun Li (xiaojun.li [at] inrae.fr). Please read the Download Guide to retrieve the data.
ASCAT VOD data, AMSR VOD data, SMAP SM data and SMOS-IC SM data are now available without registration. To access these datasets, follow the download data guide and enter anonymous as login.
A new global ASCAT vegetation optical depth (VOD) product is available, named the ASCAT INRAE-BORDEAUX or ASCAT IB VOD product. This product is the improvement of the ASCAT IB VOD version 1 in Africa (Liu et al., 2021). The improvement lies in the implementation of a multi-temporal (MT) method and the incorporation of a cost […]
ASCAT-IB VOD was developed based on the Water Cloud Model (WCM) coupled with the Ulaby linear model for soil backscattering. The main features of IB VOD are that (i) the ERA5-Land soil moisture (SM) dataset was used as an auxiliary SM dataset in the retrievals, (ii) pixel-based soil model parameters were mapped using Random Forest […]
A new SMAP soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth (L-VOD) product is available, called SMAP-INRAE-BORDEAUX or SMAP-IB (VERSION1). The SMAP-IB, a new 2-Parameter (2-P, i.e., SM and L-VOD) retrieval algorithm recently developed by INRAE Bordeaux (Li et al., 2022), relies on the mono-angle and dual-polarized TB observations from SMAP. As for our SMOS-IC product […]
Talk of Prof. Lei Fan at the Fifth National Academic Forum on Quantitative Remote Sensing about the application of SMOS-IC VOD on the global carbon budget.
The new reference of the article of the SMOS-Ic product including a description of the Version 2 has been released: Wigneron, J.-P., Li, X., Frappart F., Fan L., Al-Yaari A., De Lannoy G., Liu X., Wang M., Le Masson E., Moisy C., SMOS-IC data record of soil moisture and L-VOD: historical development, applications and perspectives, […]
A new VOD product is available : AMSR2 IB XVOD. It was developed by the INRAE-Bordeaux (IB) Remote Sensing Lab and based on the inversion of the X-MEB model (X-band microwave emission of the biosphere) (Wang et al., 2021). More information in documentation.
A new VOD product is available : ASCAT IB VOD was developed by the INRAE-Bordeaux (IB) Remote Sensing Lab (Liu et al., 2021, in review). ASCAT IB VOD is the active C-band vegetation optical depth (C-VOD) retrieved from ASCAT at a resolution of 25 x 25 km. The data was retrieved based on the Water […]