SMOS IC VOD data from 2010 is 2020 is now available without registration. To get access to the most recent and filtered L-VOD data set or for analysis question, please contact J-P Wigneron (jean-pierre.wigneron [at] and Xiaojun Li ( [at] Please read the Download Guide to retrieve the data.
ASCAT VOD data, AMSR VOD data, SMAP SM data and SMOS-IC SM data are now available without registration. To access these datasets, follow the download data guide and enter anonymous as login.
A new global ASCAT vegetation optical depth (VOD) product is available, named the ASCAT INRAE-BORDEAUX or ASCAT IB VOD product. This product is the improvement of the ASCAT IB VOD version 1 in Africa (Liu et al., 2021). The improvement lies in the implementation of a multi-temporal (MT) method and the incorporation of a cost […]
ASCAT-IB VOD was developed based on the Water Cloud Model (WCM) coupled with the Ulaby linear model for soil backscattering. The main features of IB VOD are that (i) the ERA5-Land soil moisture (SM) dataset was used as an auxiliary SM dataset in the retrievals, (ii) pixel-based soil model parameters were mapped using Random Forest […]
A new SMAP soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth (L-VOD) product is available, called SMAP-INRAE-BORDEAUX or SMAP-IB (VERSION1). The SMAP-IB, a new 2-Parameter (2-P, i.e., SM and L-VOD) retrieval algorithm recently developed by INRAE Bordeaux (Li et al., 2022), relies on the mono-angle and dual-polarized TB observations from SMAP. As for our SMOS-IC product […]
Talk of Prof. Lei Fan at the Fifth National Academic Forum on Quantitative Remote Sensing about the application of SMOS-IC VOD on the global carbon budget.
The new reference of the article of the SMOS-Ic product including a description of the Version 2 has been released: Wigneron, J.-P., Li, X., Frappart F., Fan L., Al-Yaari A., De Lannoy G., Liu X., Wang M., Le Masson E., Moisy C., SMOS-IC data record of soil moisture and L-VOD: historical development, applications and perspectives, […]
A new VOD product is available : AMSR2 IB XVOD. It was developed by the INRAE-Bordeaux (IB) Remote Sensing Lab and based on the inversion of the X-MEB model (X-band microwave emission of the biosphere) (Wang et al., 2021). More information in documentation.
A new VOD product is available : ASCAT IB VOD was developed by the INRAE-Bordeaux (IB) Remote Sensing Lab (Liu et al., 2021, in review). ASCAT IB VOD is the active C-band vegetation optical depth (C-VOD) retrieved from ASCAT at a resolution of 25 x 25 km. The data was retrieved based on the Water […]
A python toolbox is available on gitlab for data processing on SMOS-IC product : filtering reprojection and much more